Detailed Contact Points

Insta Intellect confidently oversees this platform with the aim of delivering online education that is both up-to-date and meaningful. Our objective is to provide educational experiences that enable you to remain at the forefront of your profession.

Corporate Name : Insta Intellect

HaCarmel St 31, Kefar Sava, 4421439, Israel

Not Liable for Linked Content:

Please be aware that we disclaim all liability for the content of external websites linked within our learning materials. The responsibility for such content rests solely with the respective site owners, and we neither monitor nor endorse their information.

Internet & System Requirements:

To participate in and finish our web-based training, you'll need a reliable internet connection and a device that satisfies the basic technical criteria. It's important to ensure your equipment is compatible, as we are not responsible for any access problems due to not adhering to these requirements.

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